Hi there I’m Heather Spins a Yarn. Although my friends, and well everyone, calls me Heather. For over a decade I blogged on my site Domestic Extraordinaire and my tagline was “I do it all. I never said I do it all well.” (Have you heard the saying they’re a jack of all trades but master of none? Yeah that was me with Domestic Extraordinaire.) During the summer of 2019 I decided to hang up my blog where I tried to do everything and start one where I share the things I feel called to do and thus Heather Spins a Yarn was born.
I am a forty-something person that lives in in a cottage on an island in Lake Erie with my husband of over a quarter of a decade. (Yes, we have been essentially married forever.) I have been knitting and crocheting for over two decades and spinning for a little less than that. Most days you can find me with a cup of coffee & knit or crochet project within arms reach; even when I am managing the gas station. I started designing patterns out of a need to help create my granddaughter’s costume and it just snowballed from there. You can check out the patterns I have available by clicking on the Patterns page.
Yes I said granddaughter, she is now four and is pictured to the right in the costume I helped create for her. Although she somehow lost the rainbow boot cuffs I knit her and my daughter had to improvise. (She is so my grandchild as I can’t tell you how many times I have put things in a very special place only to unearth them a decade later lol) God has gifted me to be able to look at something and produce a crochet or knit version of it. At the insistence of one of my good friends I started jotting all of the notes down as I created things. I tell my stories and share my faith through the patterns I create and spin other “yarns” on this site.
Both of our girls are in their twenties living in their homes on the mainland. We get to visit occasionally in person so this Mimi (what my granddaughter named me) and Momma is thankful for the wonders of FaceTime and Messenger Video. I can’t imagine how my mother did it all those years ago when my husband was in the Navy and we traveled all over the country only seeing each other a couple of times a year.